I received word about an upcoming project that has been mentioned in past meetings and I wanted update you.
The Olivenhain Trunk Sewer Project is set ready to begin by February and will involve upgrading the sewer line between El Camino del Norte , heading north to Lone Jack Rd just near the Corral and at Little Oaks Equestrian Park.
The Trail will be posted as closed through Ellie’s bridge Trail ( El Camino del Norte to Lone Jack Rd). This will be needed to keep trail users safe.
I have been advised the trail will be impacted from February to mid April, though pending any storms could impact this. I will be monitoring the project to document any repairs needed when they are done.
Please forward this information out to other trail users. We will provide this notice on the city website.
Any questions please let me know.
Bob Keeley
Parks and Beach Supervisor
City of Encinitas, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts
505 South Vulcan Ave