New lighted crossings on Lone Jack Road

These pedestrian / equestrian crossing lights have been installed on Lone Jack Road in Olivenhain. We sent a letter to the City of Encinitas traffic department and our request was evaluated and approved. This will make crossing this busy street much safer for trail users. These enhancements were installed at Lone Jack and Fortuna Ranch road and Lone Jack and Brookside Lane.

Lone Jack Road trail

The City of Encinitas is making some changes to the apron at two crossings on Lone Jack Rd. today. The crossings at Fortuna Ranch Rd. and Rancho Encinitas are affected. This is a part of a bigger CIP project that includes paving portions of Lone Jack rd. I have a request into the City through the MyEncinitas App. We were not aware the project would start today but the city reached out to us and the ADA ramps should be poured on Monday and the trail open again on Tuesday October 8, 2024. Be aware the trail is closed right now during construction.